Depends on your OS, I guess. On FreeBSD you can just go to the

'php5-extensions' port, run a 'make config', and deselect everything but

the MySQL extension. Then it will only build for you. Very easy.



- Mark



From: Martin Gainty [] 
Sent: donderdag 7 mei 2009 15:15
Subject: RE: Problems After MySql 5.1.34



this isnt mysql's fault that php has such abysmal build tools..try
requesting a web developer to simply download php and run the proprietary
binary tools
after a week of sleepless nights and endless searching for the right
dll/so/lib and endless searching for the right tools i guarantee they will
call no joy 
and implement the webapp in Java!

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> From:
> Subject: RE: Problems After MySql 5.1.34
> Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 12:57:42 +0000
> To:
> Gary wrote:
> > Welcome to the hell that is php + apache + mysql. If you upgrade your
> > MySql (especially major versions 5.0 => 5.1) you will also need to
> > recompile php against the new MySql client libs. We've had very
> > limited success trying to get it to work otherwise.
> Well, you don't actually have to recompile PHP entirely, of course: just
> its extension.
> @TS: Other than that, you basically need to recompile *everything* (or its
> mysql dynamic libraries) when you upgrade MySQL. This includes Perl, btw;
> so you'd need to build DBD:mysql as well (same for Python, etc).
> Walter wrote:
> > Any (major)upgrade of mysql client requires the dependent subsystem to
> > upgrade also. Anything else would be careless since you do not know if
> > interface has changed.
> Actually, you *do* know: that's what the changelog is for. :) When C
> header changes are made, an upgrade is in order. If not, when upgrading
> between minor versions, say, from 5.0.51 -> 5.0.67 (just an example), you
> won't need to recompile all system-wide MySQL client extensions. I've done
> this many times, without issue: you just need to be absolutely sure no
> header changes were made (when in doubt, recompile)..
> I recently upgraded to 5.1.34 as well; and it was indeed a hell. :) It's
> working just fine, but I spent several hours recompiling MySL client
> stuff; without doing so, your apps will likely behave erratically, or just
> segfault altogether.
> This isn't a MySL hell exclusively, btw. You'll get the same issue
> upgrading PostgreSQL, or BerkeleyDB, etc. It's just the nature of the
> beast.
> - Mark
> -- 
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