Hi, I'm developed a trigger with mysql version 5.0.51(ubuntu), and when I
tried to move this to a production server (version 5.0.22 fedora) I ran into
2 problems:

1. I try to install the trigger from a text file, and the first lines were:
    DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS cfe_tg_calcular_consumos;
    CREATE TRIGGER cfe_tg_calcular_consumos
    AFTER INSERT ON cfe_lecturas_tiendas
but mysql say there is an error near EXISTS cfe_tg_calculas_consumos. Of
course I use this text file at my development environment without problem.
And at production server I need to delete the line DROP TRIGGER ... to
create the trigger.

2. This trigger create a temporary table and then call a stored procedure
wich does some arithmetic and put the result in the temporary table. When
the trigger get fired at the production server, I got  *"**SQL Error:* 1146:
Table 'filasPOS.tmp_calculos_res' doesn't exist"

Is there a big change in handling triggers from version 5.0.22 to 5.0.51? Or
I missing something? Thanks in advance

Mauricio Tellez

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