I'm trying to mask the email addresses for a development database. I need to 
make all of the domains exactly the same. What is the best way to do this? We 
have about 67000 distinct domains.

I was able to use substring to get the list of domains, but am not sure how to 
turn that into an update statement

SELECT SUBSTRING(email,INSTR(email,'@')+1) AS domain FROM members limit 5;

| domain           |
| aol.com          |
| verizon.net      |
| netzero.com      |
| yahoo.com        |
| comcast.net      |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

So the full email address will end up as
jack@ Thanks_in_advance.com<mailto:%20thanks_in_adva...@netzero.com>

John F

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