After getting table replication to work by including the USE database on the 
creation scripts, I have run into a rather large problem.  We have 5 databases 
on the server which get replicated to another server.  We call them databases, 
A, B, C, D, and E.  we have two other databases F and G which are not 
replicated.  Inside of F and G we have stored procedures (F for reading, G for 
writing) that are locked down pretty good.  The stored procedures run as a 
specific user to do the task they need to do.

The problem is when a procedure in G modifies a table in database A, the 
corresponding update isn't replicated to the slave database.  We have some 
procedures that modify tables across the board and access other user functions 
inside of database G.  

In database G we have 150+ stored procedures.

What's the best approach to fix this problem?  Is it as simple as adding the 
appropriate USE statement inside of the stored procedure right before the 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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