You should add an account the old software/scripts can use to access the new
MySQL server. Simply add the account then update the password using the
OLD_PASSWORD function.

On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Scott Haneda <> wrote:

> Hello. It is time for some long overdue service consolidation on my end.
> I have a production machine ready to go, running the latest MySql 5 series.
> I have a legacy machine running MySql 4. As you know, version 4 used an
> older user account password system.
> I also will be up against some data import/export changes. Specifically I
> think the timestamp column changed.
> I want to move the data from 4 to 5. Here is my problem.
> The http server that talks to MySql is ancient, unable to be updated. Http
> will remain on this legacy machine talking to MySql, using an equally
> ancient scripting language that does not, and can not support the new
> password format. This http server does not support MySql, so a local copy is
> not an option.
> I believe I will need to set old style passwords. I'm trying to avoid
> multiple machines or multiple instances of MySql on the same database
> server.
> What are my options? I'll do the work to convert the data. This means
> scripting code that displays and formats timestamp data is going to break. I
> can dig deep into my long term memory and change the scripting code to solve
> the timestamp issues.
> Are there other major issues besides timestamps? All inserts used NOW(), so
> I'm ok there. But display of timestamp to the user needs editing. It's
> controlled by a function so I should have a pretty easy go.
> But what about the passwords? I hear php 5 will not do old style passwords
> at all. So I can not just set old style passwords to accomodate my legacy
> systems.  Don't really want to either.
> What I would like is to set old style passwords on a per account basis, but
> have the default be new methods. I suspect by nature of how this works that
> is not possible.
> I'm really trying to consolidate. Yes, I can run a second server, but I
> would rather manage and maintain one, giving me the ability to retire a
> machine.
> --
> Scott
> Iphone says hello.
> --
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