I am in need of some help for the following:


Say I have a table with 1M rows.  Users are being added constantly (not
deleted) during the queries that I am about to explain.  The pk is uid and
appid.  I need to run queries in increments of 100K rows until reaching the
end without duplicating rows in the queries.  I am using a select statement
with a limit of row_index and row_count.  This start row is where my
question arises.


If I make a query with limit 0,100000 then 2 minutes later 100000,100000
then 2minutes later 300000,100000 and so on.  My question is are new rows
added to the end of the table or will they randomly appear in my queries?
If they are added to the end of the table, that is fine because I will pick
them up in my final pass.


I hope this is clear enough.  If not, let me know and I will provide more
information.  Thanks!

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