
We have a BSD box with the following installed:

mysql-client-5.0.77 multithreaded SQL database (client)
mysql-server-5.0.77 multithreaded SQL database (server)
p5-DBD-mysql-4.010  MySQL drivers for the Perl DBI
php5-mysql-5.2.8    mysql database access extensions for php5

We are experiencing intermittent slowdowns on the queries made with PHP to
mysql to the point where pages take a lot of time to load, upon further
investigation with mytop we observe that it only keep an average of 1-2
simultenaous threads and a query time of avg 2-3 seconds.

During which the mysqld process reaches 99% continously for minutes.

We have repaired and optimized the tables, and the DB is 200mb. The storage
engine is MyISAM.

I understand that further optimization can be done to my.cnf , that has been
done a lot but with the same results.. andbefore I go to that path again my
question is:

Iam wondering what other tools exist to load test the mysql daemon, or how
to better debug this situation... more tools must exist out there? Perhaps
there must be a PHP/DB that I can load... and run a stress test like you
would test network issues with speedtest.net just a thought.. I know you
dont compare apples to oranges.



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