The following code doesn't insert and update info in the db for some reason:
<?php require('../common.php');
if (!isset($areview)) { 
echo("You must review the site"); } else {
if (!isset($apositive)) {
echo("You must review the site"); } else { 
if (!isset($anegative)) { 
echo("You must review the site"); } else {
$sql = "insert into sitesats set areview='$areview', apositive='$apositive', 
anegative='$anegative', arate='$arate' where id='$id'";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
$sql = "update sitesats set validated='2' where id='$id'";
$query = mysql_query($sql);

echo("Review stored successfully.");

} } }

It gives me the success message but the db remains untouched. What have I done this 
time? :)

Thanks in advance.

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