Thanks johan,
Very useful - it seems so obvious now!
There is an associated problem with transferring data into mysql.
because if the application pushing the data finds a warning it just silently 
anyway I can detect a warning 1265 Data truncated on the mysqldb?
and make this visible - at worst I could tail a log file.



>mysql> show warnings;


Sydney Puente wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an application which is inserting rows into a Mysql 5.024 db.
> It seems to stop when an insert generates a warning.
> when I insert the suspect line on the mysql commandline I get this: 
> Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.05 sec)
> Other inserts that succeed seem not to generate warnings when I make the 
> insertion on
> the command line.
> What can I do to troubleshoot this?
> For example how can I access the actual warning?
> Syd


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