Hi\I think you can achieve this using a single query like this: SELECT * FROM 
approvals WHERE adminname != 'admin2'and photo_uid in (select photo_uid from 
approvals where adminname='admin2'), of course, maybe it's not the best 
solution, just for your information.在2009-11-22,"Ashley M. Kirchner" 
<kira...@gmail.com> 写道:
>I'm stuck again ... and perhaps it's just not designed right, but I
>inherited this setup, so if anyone has suggestions on how to make it better,
>I'm all ears.  This is all one table ...
>describe approvals;
>| Field     | Type                     | Null | Key | Default |
>Extra          |
>| id        | int(6)                   | NO   | PRI | NULL    |
>auto_increment |
>| photo_uid | int(7) unsigned zerofill | NO   |     | NULL
>|                |
>| adminname | varchar(100)             | NO   |     | NULL
>|                |
>| status    | int(1)                   | NO   |     | NULL
>|                |
>SELECT * FROM approvals;
>| id | photo_uid | adminname | status |
>|  6 |   0000028 | admin1    |      1 |
>| 13 |   0000016 | admin1    |      0 |
>| 49 |   0000016 | admin2    |      1 |
>| 16 |   0000018 | admin1    |      1 |
>| 50 |   0000018 | admin2    |      0 |
>The goal, here is to capture everything that does not have 'admin2' in the
>adminname column, however duplicated records in the photo_uid column should
>also be excluded.
>SELECT * FROM approvals WHERE adminname != 'admin2';
>| id | photo_uid | adminname | status |
>|  6 |   0000028 | admin1    |      1 |
>| 13 |   0000016 | admin1    |      0 |
>| 16 |   0000018 | admin1    |      1 |
>However, I also need to exclude photo_uid '0000016' and '0000018' because
>both of them are already tagged by 'admin2'.  The only record that needs to
>be returned here is '0000028' ...
>I just don't know how to do that, or if it's even possible to do in a single
>query.  I can get it done in two, but I'm hoping for a single query here ...

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