Exciting news!

The next issue of Open Source Database Magazine (http://www.osdbzine.net) is
now available. This information-packed issue has over 60 pages of
information including:

* Firebird’s Road Trip and What’s New with 2.5
* Coding Corner: Trees – Where’s the Performance?
* PostgreSQL’s tsvector: Secret Sauce for Search Engines
* The Lab: The XtraBackup Program for MySQL – Part Two
* Drizzle – A Lightweight Database for the Web
* Kontrollbase: Enterprise grade MySQL monitoring and analytics
* Creating a Twitter Mashup with MongoDB
* Introducing LucidDB

Plus the usual news and views. All of this for $4.95.  It is simply the
biggest and the best issue we have ever released. Ready to sign up? Head
over http://www.osdbzine.net/signup.html to register and then you can
download the new issue. Curious as to what this is all about? I just
posted an online addendum to the Drizzle article here:
will give you a taste of what you can expect.

Thanks to the contributors. You all did a great job and I appreciate it!



Open Source Database Magazine

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