Not only is it 5.1, but there's a special branch that has improved GIS 
functions not found in the regular MySQL.  I'm not sure if/when they're 
planning on rolling them back into mysql:

If it's not possible to use that version, then you can still implement a 
Distance function yourself as a stored procedure or UDF.  Just google for 
mysql+haversine or something similar.

The important part though is the MBRContains, which does an efficient box cull 
and uses the spatial index.  Oops, I forgot to change a couple occurances of 
"line_segment" to "coordinates" line_segment was just the column name I was 
using in my original query.

Gavin Towey

-----Original Message-----
From: René Fournier []
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 8:54 AM
To: Gavin Towey
Cc: mysql
Subject: Re: Spatial extensions

Awesome, this is what I was trying to find, as you succinctly wrote it. I 
*really* appreciate getting pointed in the right direction, since I haven't 
found a lot of MySQL's GIS tutorials directed at what I'm trying to do.

Still, a couple questions, the Distance() function you included, that must 
require 5.1 or higher right? 5.0.88  on my box throws an error:

        "Function places.Distance does not exist"

Also, where does line_segment come from in the below query?


On 2009-12-17, at 8:45 AM, Gavin Towey wrote:

> Yes, spatial indexes are very fast:
> Query would be something like:
> SET @center = GeomFromText('POINT(37.372241 -122.021671)');
> SET @radius = 0.005;
> SET @bbox = GeomFromText(CONCAT('POLYGON((',
>  X(@center) - @radius, ' ', Y(@center) - @radius, ',',
>  X(@center) + @radius, ' ', Y(@center) - @radius, ',',
>  X(@center) + @radius, ' ', Y(@center) + @radius, ',',
>  X(@center) - @radius, ' ', Y(@center) + @radius, ',',
>  X(@center) - @radius, ' ', Y(@center) - @radius, '))')
>  );
> select id, astext(coordinates), Distance(@center,line_segment) as dist
> FROM places where MBRContains(@bbox, line_segment) order by dist limit 10;
> Regards,
> Gavin Towey
> -----Original Message-----
> From: René Fournier []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 4:32 PM
> To: mysql
> Subject: Spatial extensions
> I have table with 2 million rows of geographic points (latitude, longitude).
> Given a location -- say, 52º, -113.9º -- what's the fastest way to query the 
> 10 closest points (records) from that table? Currently, I'm using a simple 
> two-column index to speed up queries:
> CREATE TABLE `places` (
> `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
> `latitude` decimal(10,8) NOT NULL,
> `longitude` decimal(12,8) NOT NULL
> PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
> KEY `latlng` (`latitude`,`longitude`)
> COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
> My current query is fairly quick:
> SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM places WHERE latitude BETWEEN 51.98228037384 AND 
> 52.033153677 AND longitude BETWEEN -113.94770681881 AND -113.86685484296;
> But I wonder a couple things:
> 1. Would MySQL's [seemingly anemic] spatial extensions would speed things up 
> if I added a column of type POINT (and a corresponding spatial INDEX)?
> CREATE TABLE `places` (
> `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
> `latitude` decimal(10,8) NOT NULL,
> `longitude` decimal(12,8) NOT NULL,
> `coordinates` point NOT NULL,
> PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
> KEY `latlng` (`latitude`,`longitude`),
> KEY `coord` (`coordinates`(25))
> COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
> 2. How would I write the query?
> ...Rene
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