Hi i am on to create a database with a lot of entries.

each user may have Records like:

data1 (textfield)
data2  (textfield)
data3  (char [300])
.... and more like that

Now I am thinking about what is better

to create for each field an own Table
like:   table_user_data1   (records: userid,  data1)
         table_user_data2    (records: userid, data2)
         table_user_data3    (records: userid, data3)

or to make one table with all included
like:   Table_userData
         records: (Userid, data1,data2,data3)

My thinking is:
When i make solution a)
contra: i would have several Tabels to scan to get all data
pro: there is only data saved in my database that is used

when i do solution b)
contra: when I only save in info in "data1" and dont need more, it also save
empty fields for "data2" and "data3"
pro: I may only scan one table to get all my infos

What do you think? I hope I did not explained to complicated :)


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