On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 12:21 AM, Daevid Vincent <dae...@daevid.com> wrote:

>  * at
>  * /etc/crontab
>  * /var/spool/crontabs/root
>  * /var/spool/crontabs/joeblow
>  * /etc/cron.d/
>  * /etc/cron.daily/
>  * /etc/cron.hourly/
>  * /etc/cron.monthly/

That entire list represents exactly two tools: at and crontab. Allright,
three if you wanna be anal about it: anacron. At and Cron are also different
tools: at does one-time scheduling, while cron handled repeated scheduling.

> Unless I'm missing some killer functionality this provides (and from that
> URL, I'm not seeing any), then I wish the Sun/mySQL team would have spent
> their precious time on more pressing features and or bug-fixes such as this
> one that is now FOUR YEARS old... (that is erroneously marked as 'feature
> request'!)

Except for the very very very useful "is automagically included in backup
(and possibly replication)" that Joerg already mentioned (that was the
second thing I thought of), there is also the ability to schedule by the
second, whereas cron can only schedule by the minute, and at doesn't handle
repeating events.

Yes, I can definitely see the use in this. If you can't, then just ignore

Bier met grenadyn
Is als mosterd by den wyn
Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel
Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel

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