Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Community Server 5.0.90, a new version of the popular Open Source
Database Management System, has been released. This Community release shares the
version number with its MySQL Enterprise Server counterpart.
Please note that the active maintenance of 5.0 has ended,and this version is mostly
provided because of the fix to security bug#50227 as described below.

The release is now available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

and mirror sites.  Note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at
this point in time, so if you can't find this version on some mirror,
please try again later or choose another download site.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches etc.:

This section documents all changes and bugfixes that have been
applied since the last MySQL Community Server release (5.0.89).

If you would like to receive more fine-grained and personalized
update alerts about fixes that are relevant to the version and
features you use, please consider subscribing to MySQL Enterprise
(a commercial MySQL offering). For more details please see



Changes in MySQL 5.0.90

RPM Notes:

* The version information in RPM package files has been changed:
   + The "level" field of a MySQL version number is now also
     included in the RPM version and in the package file name.
   + The RPM "release" value now starts to count from 0.
For example, the Rhel, Sles rpm file of 5.0.90 is named as

Bugs fixed:

 * *Security Fix*: For servers built with yaSSL, a preauthorization
      buffer overflow could cause memory corruption or a server
      crash. We thank Evgeny Legerov from Intevydis for providing us
      with a proof-of-concept script that allowed us to reproduce
      this bug. (Bug#50227:,

    * *Replication*: FLUSH LOGS did not actually close and reopen the
      binary log index file.
      See also Bug#34582:

    * Some prepared statements could raise an assertion when

    * Valgrind warnings for CHECKSUM TABLE were corrected.

   * Specifying an index algorithm (such as BTREE) for SPATIAL or
      FULLTEXT indexes caused a server crash. These index types do
      not support algorithm specification, and it is now disallowed
      to do so. (Bug#49250:

    * The optimizer sometimes incorrectly handled conditions of the
      form WHERE col_name='const1' AND col_name='const2'.

    * Several strmake() calls had an incorrect length argument (too
      large by one).

    * On Fedora 12, strmov() did not guarantee correct operation for
      overlapping source and destination buffer. Calls were fixed to
      use an overlap-safe version instead.

    * Incomplete reset of internal TABLE structures could cause a
      crash with eq_ref table access in subqueries.

   * Re-execution of a prepared statement could cause a server
      crash. (Bug#48508:

    * The error message for ER_UPDATE_INFO was subject to buffer
      overflow or truncation.

    * On Solaris, no stack trace was printed to the error log after
      a crash. (Bug#47391:

    * Comparison with NULL values sometimes did not produce a
      correct result.

    * When compressed MyISAM files were opened, they were always
      memory mapped, sometimes causing memory-swapping problems. To
      deal with this, a new system variable, myisam_mmap_size, was
      added to limit the amount of memory used for memory mapping of
      MyISAM files.


On behalf of the MySQL Build Team,

Sunanda Menon

Sunanda Menon
Database Technology Group
BLR03, x87098/91-80-66937098

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