Hey all -

I have a table listing references for chapters in a book. I'm trying to find 
all the cases where a single chapter lists more than one reference from the 
same author. In this example table, I want it to find IDs 1 and 2, because 
they're both from the same author, and both in chapter 1 of the book. It should 
not return ID 4, because that's in a different chapter.

Note that J. and John have to be considered the same. For my purposes, it's 
sufficient to look at the first word, Smith, and consider that a duplicate.

| ID | Author       | Chapter | 
|  1 | Smith, John  |    1    | 
|  2 | Smith, J.    |    1    | 
|  3 | Williams, B. |    1    | 
|  4 | Smith, John  |    2    | 

I haven't been able to even get a start on this. Any suggestions?

- Brian

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