
The problem of BLOB storage with MySQL is not the actual storage of the BLOB
data, it is the getting BLOBs to and from the client. Traditionally MySQL
treats the BLOB data as any other data and as a result there can be major
memory usage and performance issues as the BLOB is passed back to  the
client app. This is why no matter how clever the storage engine is in how it
stores the BLOB, the main problem remains.

That is why the BLOB streaming daemon was developed because it allows the
actual BLOB data to be streamed to and from the database server outside of
the normal MySQL client/server connection.

So you can have the best of both worlds:

- Similar to storing the BLOB in the file system: BLOB references are stored
with the normal table data, not the actual BLOB data, so the tables do not
get bloated, and because the BLOB data is accessed through the BLOB
streaming daemon it has little impact on server performance and memory
requirements are not dependent on BLOB size.

- Similar to traditional storage of BLOBs in tables: the BLOB will
automatically be delete when the row referencing it is deleted and the
application designer doesn't need to implement their own file system based
BLOB storage.

So if you are looking at BLOB storage systems please have a look at


or the launch pad project:

 https://launchpad.net/pbms (not pbxt as Paul mentioned.)

Sorry if this is a bit of a plug for PBMS but the subject was BLOB storage
and that is PBMS's sole purpose in life.


On 2/16/10 8:21 AM, "Martin Gainty" <mgai...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> i agree with jerry
> put date/timestamps on each record..(that way you know when the record was
> created/modified)
> Martin Gainty 
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>> From: jschwa...@the-infoshop.com
>> To: vikkiatb...@yahoo.in; vegiv...@tuxera.be
>> CC: mysql@lists.mysql.com
>> Subject: RE: how things get messed up
>> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 11:02:22 -0500
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Vikram A [mailto:vikkiatb...@yahoo.in]
>>> Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 4:13 AM
>>> To: Johan De Meersman
>>> Cc: MY SQL Mailing list
>>> Subject: Re: how things get messed up
>>> Sir,
>>> Thanks for your suggestion,
>>> I will go for blob storage, because our application will maintain the data
>>> on
>>> yearly basis[stupersonal2008, stupersonal2009 etc.]. So i feel we may not
>>> face
>>> such kind of performance issue in our application.
>> [JS] It sounds like you are planning to have one table per year. Regardless
>> of 
>> where you put your blobs, I think that is a bad idea from a design
>> standpoint. 
>> It will make it harder to find historical information.
>> If your database is relatively small, then I'd just keep everything in one
>> table. If it is big, then roll data that is five years old into an archive
>> table. That will give you only two places, and an easy-to-follow rule to tell
>> you where to look.
>> Regards,
>> Jerry Schwartz
>> The Infoshop by Global Information Incorporated
>> 195 Farmington Ave.
>> Farmington, CT 06032
>> 860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341
>> www.the-infoshop.com
>> -- 
>> MySQL General Mailing List
>> For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
>> To unsubscribe: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql?unsub=mgai...@hotmail.com
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