
WHERE coalesce(x, 17) = 17

[JS] Interesting suggestion, but

us-gii >select benchmark(10000000,(7=7 or null is null));
| benchmark(10000000,(7=7 or null is null)) |
|                                         0 |
1 row in set (0.34 sec)

us-gii >select benchmark(100000000,coalesce(null,7));
| benchmark(100000000,coalesce(null,7)) |
|                                     0 |
1 row in set (2.61 sec)

It looks like COALESCE() is slower. Of course this isn't anything like a real
test. Among other things, I have no idea how well or poorly the optimizer,
query cache, etc. handle it. I don't know how much magic there is in the
BENCHMARK() function, either. I would hope that the server would know that the
expression needs to be evaluated over and over again from scratch.

WHERE COALESCE(<column>, ... ) = ...

cannot use an index, I guess, which is why the comparison is slow.

If NULLs are in indices, IS NULL could be index optimized as well.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions

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