
I dont have a table called innodb_monitor on any of my databases, i gone
through the links which you mentioned here.. but no luck..

Anand S

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 5:06 PM, Jesper Wisborg Krogh

> On 17/03/2010, at 9:10 PM, Anand kumar wrote:
>  you are right sir , the variables innodb_status_file will write the "show
>> innodb status" information on to the file innodb_status.PID ... however
>> for
>> me the innodb status is logging into the default error log file... i dont
>> have any clue on how to stop it from writing...
>> Any help would be appreciated ....
> Do you happen to have a table called "innodb_monitor"? If that is present,
> then that will cause the result of SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS to be outputted
> every 15 seconds. See also
> or
> Cheers,
> Jesper

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