My brain just squirted out my ear trying to figure this out, so maybe one of 
you can help me scoop it back up.

I have a table of accounts, and a table of hits-per-day per account. I'm trying 
to sort my accounts by the most hits-per-day, averaged over the preceding 7 
days (8 days ago through yesterday).

Table: accounts
| account_id | company |
|          1 | ABC     |
|          2 | DEF     |
|          3 | GHI     |

Table: hits_per_day
| account_id |    date    | hits |
|          1 | 2010-03-01 |   10 |
|          1 | 2010-03-12 |   10 |
|          2 | 2010-03-12 |   10 |
|          3 | 2010-03-12 |   10 |
|          1 | 2010-03-15 |   30 |
|          2 | 2010-03-15 |   70 |
|          3 | 2010-03-15 |   50 |
|          3 | 2010-03-18 |   10 |
* Notice the first and last rows should be excluded because they are not 
between 8 days ago and yesterday.

So the results should look like this:
| account_id | company | avg_hits |
|          2 | DEF     |       40 |
|          3 | GHI     |       30 |
|          1 | ABC     |       20 |

I hope that makes sense! I've driven myself crazy with this to the point that I 
can no longer think about it clearly. Thanks for any help.

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