create table TableDef like TableX ?

Nuno Tavares
DRI, Consultoria Informática
Telef: +351 936 184 086

mos escreveu:
> I'd like to get the field names and data types of a table, say TableX,
> and put it into TableDef using nothing but SQL. I know I can list the
> table definition using "Describe Table" and then loop through the
> results and insert the first two columns Field and Type into TableDef,
> but is there a way to do it using just SQL?
> Example:
> Describe TableX:
> First_Name    Char(15)  ....
> Last_Name    Char(20) ...
> Start_Date    Date  ..
> Salary        Double  ..
> And I'd like TableDef to have these rows:
> ColName    ColType
> ---------------             --------------
> First_Name    Char(15)
> Last_Name    Char(20)
> Start_Date    Date
> Salary        Double
> Is there a way to do this with one SQL statement? I'm really looking for
> the MySQL internal table where it stores the table definitions.
> Mike

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