How many records are there in this table.
What is the select statement ur running.


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:05 AM, hewei <> wrote:

> now , I need to select a table per minute.
> 1.
> the table struture:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> CREATE TABLE `table_code` (
>  `timestamp` timestamp NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update
>  `code` decimal(5,0) NOT NULL default '0',
>  PRIMARY KEY  (`stock_code`)
> )
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> 2.
> there is a trigger will insert data into the table `table_code`
> the trigger is like:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> if .... then
>    insert into table_code....
> end if;
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> 3.
> I need to select the table 'table_code' per minute,and the sql is like :
> select code from table_code;
> now, the problem is:
> in normally,the sql executed very fast (0.5-1 second), but sometimes, it
> will take more than 3 minutes. I don't know
> why? how to find the cause?

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