I am getting the following error in my error log periodically, 

010613  9:45:38  Aborted connection 1246 to db: 'databaset' user: 'user'
host: `localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)

since upgrading from 3.22.32 to 3.23.36.  The only application using the
database is a multithreaded client written in C.  When this error
occurs, the client frequently crashes, although apparently not always. 
This is running on solaris 2.7 Generic_106541-15 sparc, and was compiled
with the sun workshop compilers.

I found many other reports of the same problem, but no solutions (excpet
one for replication, which we are not using).  Any help would be
appreciated.  Here is the variable list from the server.


| Variable_name           | Value                           |
| ansi_mode               | OFF                             |
| back_log                | 50                              |
| basedir                 | /usr/local/                     |
| binlog_cache_size       | 32768                           |
| character_set           | latin1                          |
| character_sets          | latin1 cp1251                   |
| concurrent_insert       | ON                              |
| connect_timeout         | 5                               |
| datadir                 | /usr/local/mysql-db/            |
| delay_key_write         | ON                              |
| delayed_insert_limit    | 100                             |
| delayed_insert_timeout  | 300                             |
| delayed_queue_size      | 1000                            |
| flush                   | OFF                             |
| flush_time              | 0                               |
| have_bdb                | NO                              |
| have_gemini             | NO                              |
| have_innobase           | NO                              |
| have_isam               | YES                             |
| have_raid               | NO                              |
| have_ssl                | NO                              |
| init_file               |                                 |
| interactive_timeout     | 28800                           |
| join_buffer_size        | 131072                          |
| key_buffer_size         | 8388600                         |
| language                | /usr/local/share/mysql/english/ |
| large_files_support     | ON                              |
| locked_in_memory        | OFF                             |
| log                     | OFF                             |
| log_update              | ON                              |
| log_bin                 | OFF                             |
| log_slave_updates       | OFF                             |
| long_query_time         | 10                              |
| low_priority_updates    | OFF                             |
| lower_case_table_names  | 0                               |
| max_allowed_packet      | 1048576                         |
| max_binlog_cache_size   | 4294967295                      |
| max_binlog_size         | 1073741824                      |
| max_connections         | 500                             |
| max_connect_errors      | 10                              |
| max_delayed_threads     | 20                              |
| max_heap_table_size     | 16777216                        |
| max_join_size           | 4294967295                      |
| max_sort_length         | 1024                            |
| max_user_connections    | 0                               |
| max_tmp_tables          | 32                              |
| max_write_lock_count    | 4294967295                      |
| myisam_recover_options  | OFF                             |
| myisam_sort_buffer_size | 8388608                         |
| net_buffer_length       | 16384                           |
| net_read_timeout        | 30                              |
| net_retry_count         | 10                              |
| net_write_timeout       | 60                              |
| open_files_limit        | 0                               |
| pid_file                | /var/run/mysql.pid              |
| port                    | 3306                            |
| protocol_version        | 10                              |
| record_buffer           | 131072                          |
| query_buffer_size       | 0                               |
| safe_show_database      | OFF                             |
| server_id               | 0                               |
| skip_locking            | OFF                             |
| skip_networking         | OFF                             |
| skip_show_database      | OFF                             |
| slow_launch_time        | 2                               |
| socket                  | /tmp/mysql.sock                 |
| sort_buffer             | 2097144                         |
| table_cache             | 64                              |
| table_type              | MYISAM                          |
| thread_cache_size       | 0                               |
| thread_concurrency      | 10                              |
| thread_stack            | 65536                           |
| transaction_isolation   | READ-COMMITTED                  |
| timezone                | MST                             |
| tmp_table_size          | 1048576                         |
| tmpdir                  | /var/tmp/                       |
| version                 | 3.23.36-log                     |
| wait_timeout            | 28800                           |

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