Dear All,
Table values are getting rollback without calling rollback.
I have a table Test with some columns in it.
Here's the Table Structure:-
Create Table TestID
TestID int not null,
MyID int
I am calling two procedures one is get the value of MyID column and one is to set the value after that.
FirstProc :- 
Create procedure SP_GetMyID(TestID int)
Select MyID From Test Where TestID = TestID;
Call SP_GetMyID(1);
[OUTPUT = 1]
If suppose the above proc returns me 1 as MyID then below proc will set MyID as 2 (incrementing by one)
Call SP_SetMyID(1,2);
Create Procedure SP_SetMyID(TestID int, NewMyID int)
Update Test 
Set MyID  = NewMyID 
Where TestID = TestID;

After setting the value I am again calling get procedure 
Call SP_GetMyID(1);
[OUTPUT = 2]
and if after some time say after 10 seconds if I m calling SP_GetMyID again. It gives me OUTPUT  as 1.

Manasi Save
Artificial Machines Private Limited

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