Hi all, I have upgraded a few test boxes and everything seems to work fine BUT 
wanted to verify with the gurus if my syntax is correct so as to avoid any 
future problems ;-)

The purpose is to dump all databases and users / user privileges from our 
server and import it into our 5.1.49 server.  On the 4.x server I ran:

# mysqldump -A -uroot -p | gzip -4 > ./4.x_mysqldump.sql.gz

Once done and I have MySQL 5.x running on the same box, I type:

# gzip -dc 4.x_mysqldump.sql.gz | mysql -uroot -p

Question: So with these 2 commands I export all the databases and user's and 
user's privileges and then import the databases and user's and user's 
into 5.x?

Question: Will the above export and import change the 5.x mysql root password 
which is different than the 4.x root password?

Question: Will the above export the mysql database (inside mysql 4.x) from 4.x 
and re-import it into 5.X (the database that controls users and access and 
...)?  If so is this okay to do since it's a version upgrade?

Thanks in advance...



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