Good day all

    I am looking for someone that can maybe help me with some info
regarding the upgrading of MySQL.

    We have a MySQL database currently running with a master/slave
replication setup.

     The current version of the database is as follows:

                mysql> select version();
                | version()                    |
                | 5.0.72sp1-enterprise-gpl-log | 
                1 row in set (0.00 sec)

        This is currently running on RedHat.

       This database is however set to be migrated to new hardware later
during this month and discussions have been in place in order to upgrade
the Database to the latest version possible.
        As it would seem, the latest enterprise (pro/advanced) version
available are version 5.1.46sp1 and version 5.1.50 which includes the
interim updates as well.

         I am trying to find someone who has had experience and can give
me some pointers in the following regard as this will be my first
database upgrade:

     1. which one of these two version will be the best to upgrade to.
     2.  where can I get information on how to upgrade the database
     3.  has anyone done this before? if so, is there anything that we
should look out for?

    I would really appreciate the help here.


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