The mysqld.log isn't in an executable format, but mk-query-digest can
understand it and convert it into a "slow query log" format.  Then you
can use mk-upgrade to validate that your queries produce the same
result.  Good for you for thinking to do this -- most people just
upgrade and then panic when something doesn't work right.

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Nunzio Daveri <> wrote:
> Hello all, I am trying to "REPLAY" the mysqld.log file from a production 5.1.4
> server onto a QA server with 5.5 running and was wondering if there is an easy
> way of replaying the mysqld.log file?  Just want to make sure all of the kinds
> of inserts, updates, selects and deletes work just as well on the 5.5 box, esp
> since we are turning on replication and copying tables from another server 
> onto
> this server.  Any ideas please?
> TIA...
> Nunzio

Baron Schwartz
Percona Inc <>
Consulting, Training, Support & Services for MySQL

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