I don't think I'd seriously consider the max() option, especially if you're
expecting the table to grow large.  Using a table to store the next record
number (your last_used_record_nums table) is a technique that is fairly
commonly used.  You can increment and retrieve the value atomically if you
use the LAST_INSERT_ID():

insert into last_used_record_nums(routerid, recordnum)
values (####, last_insert_id(1))
on duplicate key update recordnum = last_insert_id(recordnum + 1);


select last_insert_id();

to get the incremented value.  You could probably wrap this in an INSERT
trigger on your stats table so your application wouldn't need to worry about


-----Original Message-----
From: Jake Peavy [mailto:djstu...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 10:34 AM
To: MySQL General Mailing List
Subject: Re: Add "record number" to timestamped router data to facilitate
cross join

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Jake Peavy <djstu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All,
> I have a number of routers which report in with various stats
> periodicially.  This period is not a regular interval and can drift based
> other factors.  Each router drifts independently.  The stats the routers
> provide need to be analyzed in terms of deltas between reports (rather
> the absolute number).  Therefore I need to perform a cross join to compare
> the rows for a given routerID (something like SELECT r1.timestamp,
> r2.counter1-r1.counter1 FROM router_data as r1 JOIN router_data as r2 ON
> (r2.recordNum = r1.recordNum + 1))
> Here's an example of some raw data to give you an idea showing 3 records
> each from 2 devices:
> +----------+------------------+----------+----------+----------+
> | routerID | timestamp        | counter1 | counter2 | counter3 |
> +----------+------------------+----------+----------+----------+
> |        1 | 24/08/2010 10:36 | 40       | 55       | 70       |
> |        2 | 24/08/2010 10:51 | 31       | 79       | 29       |
> |        2 | 24/08/2010 12:19 | 94       | 61       | 64       |
> |        1 | 24/08/2010 12:41 | 4        | 84       | 82       |
> |        1 | 24/08/2010 14:58 | 26       | 9        | 62       |
> |        2 | 24/08/2010 14:51 | 36       | 75       | 31       |
> +----------+------------------+----------+----------+----------+
> My plan, to facilitate the cross join, was to add a per-device "record
> number" like follows:
> | routerID | timestamp        | recordNum | counter1 | counter2 | counter3
> |
> |        1 | 24/08/2010 10:36 |         1 | 40       | 55       | 70
> |
> |        2 | 24/08/2010 10:51 |         1 | 31       | 79       | 29
> |
> |        2 | 24/08/2010 12:19 |         2 | 94       | 61       | 64
> |
> |        1 | 24/08/2010 12:41 |         2 | 4        | 84       | 82
> |
> |        1 | 24/08/2010 14:58 |         3 | 26       | 9        | 62
> |
> |        2 | 24/08/2010 14:51 |         3 | 36       | 75       | 31
> |
> So here's my question, first, of course, is there a better way to perform
> the cross join?  If not, what's the easiest way to add and increment the
> recordNum field?  Can I do it directly in SQL somehow?  Or do I need to do
> it in my parser?  If I do it in my parser, it runs periodically (as it
> receives the reports) so I think it would need to figure out what record
> number it assigned to which device last so it would know where to restart
> the numbering.  Should I hold that in the parser itself, or a separate
> (SELECT routerID,last_used_record_num FROM last_used_record_nums; then
> parse, incrementing record num, then write the last ones back to that
> or by querying the main table itself (SELECT routerID, MAX(recordNum) FROM
> router_data GROUP BY routerID)?  My only concern with the last approach is
> that router_data is going to get very large and that query may get very
> slow.
> TIA for any advice,

Hey all,

Anyone have any thoughts/advice on the best way to manage this "record
number"?  What about a stored procedure?  Or use of variables?



If you're traveling in a time machine, and you're eating corn on the cob, I
don't think it's going to affect things one way or the other. But here's the
point I'm trying to make: Corn on the cob is good, isn't it?


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