
My hosting company are only running MySQL version 5.0.77 and at this current
time are not planning on upgrading to at least my required version
of  5.1.43.  My query in which I have some problems is shown below :

SELECT teams_id AS teams_id ,SUM(rating) AS total_team_rating FROM (SELECT
teams_id ,players_id ,rating ,@team ,IF(@team <> teams_id, @row := 1, @row
:= @row + 1) AS rank ,@team := teams_id FROM ( SELECT players.teams_id
,players.players_id ,players_master.rating FROM players JOIN players_master
ON players.players_id = players_master.players_id WHERE players.worlds_id =
1 AND players.red_cards = 0 AND players.injury_duration_remaining = 0 AND
players.teams_id > 0 ORDER BY players.teams_id, players_master.rating DESC)
s1) s2 WHERE rank <= 11 GROUP BY teams_id ORDER BY total_team_rating DESC

Basically the part of the statement "WHERE rank <= 11" has no affect in
version 5.0.77, but gives the desired results in version 5.1.43.  Does
anyone have any suggestions on how to overcome this problem, since at the
current time I don't have the budget to move to another hosting company and
this is the only query which I have a problem with.

Thanks for any help.


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