Geez, really taking advantage of the list today :). This one is a little
more complicated, well, in my head anyway.

Same tables as before, event and mappings. Mappings is just IP to Country
info. I want to be able to join both a src and dst but the problem is the
mappings table just has one ip column.

My initial query looks like this:

SELECT COUNT(signature) as count, MAX(timestamp) AS maxTime,
INET_NTOA(src_ip), INET_NTOA(dst_ip), signature, signature_id, ip_proto FROM
event WHERE timestamp BETWEEN "2010-10-12 00:00:00" AND "2010-10-13
00:00:00" GROUP BY src_ip, dst_ip, signature,ip_proto ORDER BY maxTime DESC;

Which would return something like this:

2 | 2010-10-12 16:34:17 | | | ET P2P Vuze BT UDP
Connection | 2010144 | 17

Now I want to add the country info into the mix. I have made it this far:

SELECT COUNT(signature) as count, MAX(timestamp) AS maxTime,
INET_NTOA(src_ip),, INET_NTOA(dst_ip),, signature,
signature_id, ip_proto FROM event INNER JOIN mappings ON event.src_ip =
mappings.ip OR event.dst_ip = mappings.ip WHERE timestamp BETWEEN
"2010-10-12 03:00:00" AND "2010-10-13 03:00:00" GROUP BY src_ip, dst_ip,
signature,ip_proto ORDER BY maxTime DESC LIMIT 10;

gives me:
2 | 2010-10-12 16:34:17 | | US | | US | ET P2P Vuze
BT UDP Connection | 2010144 | 17

which obviously isn't right ;) but is close. I was just going to change the
columns in the mappings table to have src_ip and dst_ip just duplicating the
ip column but I have a nagging feeling that that probably isn't necessary.


Paul Halliday
Ideation | Individualization | Learner | Achiever | Analytical

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