Good day all 

      I am hoping that someone can perhaps help me with some resources
or info.

     I need to go to a meeting in the next hour and was requested this
morning to research possible load balancing options for MySQL database.

      What is currently running is a website (balanced over a couple of
web servers all connecting to the same database) using apacje and jdk.

       2 MySQL databases running as Masler/Slave replication with all
reads and writes going to the master and the slave being used for data
exports and failover if required.

        The websites are rather busy and during times of high load the
master server takes some strain.

          The Databases are being to new upgraded hardware soon,
including a database upgrade.

         The idea is that they also want to introduce load balancing for
the MySQL databases in order to manage the high load situations.

        Any help would be appreciated as google has not yet turned up
any sufficient info for me in this short time I had been given.


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