Thanks a lot. We will try and inform you.

------Original Message------
From: Aveek Misra
To: Albahar Uya
Cc: MySQL Lists
Subject: Re: select data from two tables and SUM qty of the same ID
Sent: Nov 10, 2010 17:38

SELECT product.ID, product.ProductName, product.ISBN, SUM(salesreport.QTY) as 
Total_Quantity FROM salesreport, product WHERE product.ID = salesreport.ID 
GROUP BY salesreport.ID ORDER BY Total_Quantity DESC;

On Nov 10, 2010, at 3:53 PM, HaidarPesebe wrote:

> please help us look for the data select from two tables with the following 
> details:
> Primary table: product
> ID | ProductName | ISBN |
> ---------------------------
> 1 | Product A      | 123 |
> 2 | Product B      | 456 |
> 3 | product C      | 444 |
> ---------------------------
> second table: salesreport
> IDS | ID | CITY      | QTY |
> ------------------------
> 1    | 1 | New York | 3 |
> 2    | 1 | Alabama   | 5 |
> 3    | 1 | London    | 1 |
> 4    | 1 | Jakarta    | 5 |
> 5    | 2 | New York | 8 |
> 6    | 2 | Alabama   | 4 |
> 7    | 2 | London    | 9 |
> 8    | 2 | Jakarta    | 3 |
> --------------------------
> ID in table product same with ID table salesreport
> How we will show SALES REPORT product is sold only at the table salesreport 
> SUM qty to the top sold and unsold product C will not be displayed.
> The result will be like this:
> --------------------------------
> No. Product Name ISBN QTY
> --------------------------------
> 1.   product B      456    24
> 2.   product A      123    14
> --------------------------------
> I'm using PHP. Thanks a lot for information.

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