
Thank you. I will try this.


On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 8:13 AM, Krishna Chandra Prajapati <> wrote:

> Hi Andy,
> I agree, prefer LOAD DATA INFILE... command for bulk loading. It is 30%
> faster than normal inserts.
> Krishna
> On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 8:02 AM, Andy <> wrote:
>> Greetings everyone.
>> I am in a situation where I need to do parallel inserts into MySQL
>> database
>> from inside my Perl program. Basically, I have several million records to
>> insert into the database, and hence I would rather do them in parallel
>> than
>> doing them one at a time. I looked around but did not find any information
>> on doing this. Does MySQL not support parallel reads/writes?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Andy

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