----- Original Message ----- 
From: jaydeep/vishwas 
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 4:55 PM
Subject: Adding data to Mysql from VB6 front end

Dear Sir/Ms.,

I am trying to add data to tables in Mysql. I am using VB6 as front end tool.
MY problem is:
that when i am trying to enter the data from front end to the colunm having "Varchar" 
it is
taking null value from front end.
i had used these command
mysql>create table table_name (col_1 varchar(25) not null,col_2 int(6));

The table gets created,however,  if i am trying to enter the data from front end,in an 
empty table,
my data is not get stored in to the table in case "varchar" or "char" but
it works for integer or float.

On the other hand when I enter the data throuhg the backend directly, then it is 
taking data in the "varcha" of "char" columns.

Infact when I enter the first recordset through the backend and the rest of the 
records through the front end, then it allows it but the column width is restricted to 
the first entry through the backend in case of "varchar" and "char".

Please help on how I can add data from the front end.

Thanks and Regards,
Manish Poddar

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