    I'm confusion with your issue. Can you show us your detailed wanted?
David Yeung, In China, Beijing.
My First Blog:http://yueliangdao0608.cublog.cn
My Second Blog:http://yueliangdao0608.blog.51cto.com
My Msn: yueliangdao0...@gmail.com

2010/12/1 Mohan L <l.mohan...@gmail.com>

> Dear All,
> My Mysql Table contain 5 column id,data,storage,bandwidth_sent,
> bandwidth_received , like this : http://pastebin.com/ghXWMZ7V.  The
> storage
> and bandwidth information is accumulated one. I need to fetch my daily
> usage
> from data bases.  I need to subtract  today's storage -yesterday storage
> bases on date .Here id is same. I am new to witting mysql query (learning).
> I think this can be done using sub query.  any help will be really
> appreciated .
> Thanks & Rg
> Mohan L

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