It's been a long time sine I used mysqlimport, but you might want to try:

- using "--fields-terminated-by" rather than "--fields-terminated"
- losing (or escaping) the backticks in --columns=

- checking my.cnf to see if the client settings are the same for mysql> and mysqlimport - checking user privileges (are you using the same account in both instances?)
- checking the line delimiter and --lines-terminated-by

FWIW, I always prefer tab-delimited files over comma-separated ones. This gets around a lot of i18n issues.

/ Carsten

Den 03-01-2011 19:33, Jerry Schwartz skrev:

This works:

localhost>TRUNCATE t_dmu_history;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.41 sec)

localhost>LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 't_dmu_history.txt' INTO TABLE t_dmu_history
FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," (`dm_history_dm_id`,`dm_history_customer_id`);

Query OK, 876211 rows affected (25.16 sec)
Records: 876211  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0

localhost>SELECT * FROM t_dmu_history LIMIT 4;
| t_dmu_history_id | DM_History_DM_ID | DM_History_Customer_ID |
|                1 |            13071 |                 299519 |
|                2 |            13071 |                 299520 |
|                3 |            13071 |                 299521 |
|                4 |            13071 |                 299522 |
4 rows in set (0.03 sec)
This does not work:

localhost>TRUNCATE t_dmu_history;

C:\Users\Jerry\Documents\Access MySQL
Production>mysqlimport --columns=`dm_history_dm_id`,`dm_history_customer_id` 
  --local --password=xxx --pipe --user=access --verbose maintable_usa
Connecting to localhost
Selecting database maintable_usa
Loading data from LOCAL file: C:/Users/Jerry/Documents/Access MySQL
Production/t_dmu_history.txt into t_dmu_history
maintable_usa.t_dmu_history: Records: 876211  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0
Warnings: 1752422
Disconnecting from localhost

localhost>SELECT * FROM t_dmu_history LIMIT 4;
| t_dmu_history_id | DM_History_DM_ID | DM_History_Customer_ID |
|                1 |            13071 |                   NULL |
|                2 |            13071 |                   NULL |
|                3 |            13071 |                   NULL |
|                4 |            13071 |                   NULL |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Before you ask, the mysql CLI is also using a named pipe.

Windows Vista 32-bit
MySQL version 5.1.31-community
Mysqlimport Ver 3.7 Distrib 5.1.31, for Win32 (ia32)

What am I missing?


Jerry Schwartz
Global Information Incorporated
195 Farmington Ave.
Farmington, CT 06032

860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341
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