On Mon, 2011-01-17 at 14:50 +0200, Michael Widenius wrote:

> Hi!
> >>>>> "Noel" == Noel Butler <noel.but...@ausics.net> writes:
> Noel> In all previous versions we were able to run -Aao --auto-repair
> Noel> Anyone know WHY, in 5.5,   -a   and   -o  , must be run separately, this
> Noel> is kind of silly I think, requiring two passes now.
> I checked the 5.0 code and even there you could not run 'a' and 'o'
> separately.  mysqlcheck always used the later option.

Ahhh, so all that time it was silently ignoring the -a ?  But now borks
instead of ignores,  my bad :)

> However as optimize for most engines that supports it does an
> automatic analyze, you can solve your problem by just removing the
> 'a' option above.

Thanks Monty

> Regards,
> Monty
> PS: Have you tried out MariaDB yet?

I regrettably confess, not yet

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