Dear all,

I stuck around one more simple problem today.

I have a table named *event_loc* having below data : ( It has many columns but I show you main columns that I needed )

_*Tables Data :-*_

*source_id                event_text*

1233                             meet
1233                             meet
1345                            ends
1345                            ends
1111                            performs
13456                          Minister
1233                            Argentina
1233                            meet
1345                            ends
1555                            is

As described above there are more than 100000 rows and I want my output as :

_*Output Needed :-*_

*source_id         event_text         Count*

1233                  meet                      3
1233                  Argentina               1
1345                   ends                        3
1111                  performs                  1
13456                 Minister                  1

I tried the below query :

*select source_id ,event_text,count(*) from event_loc group by source_id,obj_text ;*

But displays only unique record_id rows but I want as mentioned output.

Failed to achieve the mentioned output.

Thanks & Regards

Adarsh Sharma

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