Hi my mysql server's version is 5.1.32, and my master binlog_format is row.

I want to know how to log general log on a slave when the master's binlog
format is row.

When I modifyed my slave's my.cnf, and add the below lines:


and then I restart my mysql server;

Then I can just see some lines like this<these querys are come from the
master binlog>:

*110222 15:15:36    1 Query BEGIN*
*    1 Query COMMIT*
*110222 15:15:37    1 Query BEGIN*
*    1 Query COMMIT*

But when I had run some query's directly on the slave that is not committed
by the master's binlog, it looks well:
*110223 17:49:10    2 Query BEGIN*
*    2 Query COMMIT*
*    3 Connect root@localhost on *
*    3 Query select @@version_comment limit *
*110223 17:49:15    3 Query SELECT DATABASE()*
*    3 Init DB mediav*
*    2 Query BEGIN*
*    2 Query COMMIT*
*110223 17:49:16    2 Query BEGIN*
*    2 Query COMMIT*
*110223 17:49:17    2 Query BEGIN*
*    2 Query COMMIT*
*110223 17:49:18    2 Query BEGIN*
*    2 Query COMMIT*
*110223 17:49:19    2 Query BEGIN*
*    2 Query COMMIT*
*110223 17:49:20    2 Query BEGIN*
*    2 Query COMMIT*
*110223 17:49:21    2 Query BEGIN*
*    2 Query COMMIT*
*110223 17:49:22    2 Query BEGIN*
*    2 Query COMMIT*
*110223 17:49:23    3 Query show tables*
*    2 Query BEGIN*
*    2 Query COMMIT*

So I have the doubt said in the title.
How to log general log on a slave when the master's binlog format is row?

Jameson Li.

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