
Johan De Meersman wrote:
>> From: "Vikram A" <vikkiatb...@yahoo.in>
>> Thank you for info. Now we enabled the logs. The DB administrator
>> itself made a mistake that he restored the back up
> This may be obvious, but keep your logs on separate disks if you can - full 
> query logs take quite a bit of I/O away, so if you have them on the same 
> disks as your data they may have a significant impact on performance. 

While the above is true, I see a far more relevant reason to keep logs
and data on separate disks:

If you ever want to use your logs for recovery after a (physical) disk
problem, it is essential that they were not also damaged by the issue.
Keeping them on a separate disk drive (drive, not just partition) will
give you that independence.

Granted, a severe damage to controller or machine (overvoltage, fire,
theft, ...) may still cause the simultaneous loss of both data and logs,
but these should be less likely that the ordinary disk breakage.
Against the other risks, protect yourself by taking scheduled backups to
removable media which you store externally, like in a bank safe.
Then, you cannot lose all your data, but only those which were changed
since the last backup, so it becomes a matter of backup frequency.

And remember: a RAID is no replacement for backup.


Joerg Bruehe,  MySQL Build Team,  joerg.bru...@oracle.com
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