Am 31.03.2011 17:53, schrieb S?ndor Hal?sz:
>>>>> 2011/03/23 16:29 -0700, Steffan A. Cline >>>>
> So, this is what I have as a basis to work on assuming I am polling
> article #36.
> Select *, if(b.articleid=36,1,0) as checked from groups g
> Left join agmap a on g.groupid=a.groupid
> Left join articles b on a.articleid=b.articleid
> Order by g.groupname
> <<<<<<<<
> Why not restrict it to '36': 'WHERE b.articleid = 36'?
> As for the grouping, as it says in its helptext about MySQL s permissive 
> 'GROUP BY', 
> the choice for any thus allowed field --one forbidden by the standard-- is 
> random. 
> (It happens I have a case where that is just what I want: I do not care which 
> value 
> is shown, as long as it goes with the rest.) Maybe you want 'articleid', too, 
> in the grouping?

instead of writing me since weeks private mails that you do not want
gpg-signed mails and how hard it is for you to not ignore .asc-attachments
you should learn to use your mail-client and how to quote answers

original-text followed by <<<<<<<< is NOT quoting!

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