Oops... big typo in above steps... add the following line:


to the SLAVE my.cnf, and restart the SLAVE server.

The master does not need to be restarted or changed. Just the SLAVE.

Sorry about that.

-Hank Eskin

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 5:19 PM, Claudio Nanni <claudio.na...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Great investigation Hank,
> congratulations.
> I will try this tomorrow morning(11:20pm now)  and let you know if I can
> reproduce it on my environments.
> Thanks!
> Claudio
> 2011/6/15 Hank <hes...@gmail.com>
>> Two additional notes:
>> 1.  Using the "replicate-wild-ignore-table" option in my.cnf produces the
>> same results.
>> 2.  If the my.cnf "replicate-ignore-table=db.log" setting on the master
>>  is
>> removed and mysql restarted so "db.log" is no longer ignored in
>> replication,
>> this bug goes away and correct results are reported on the slave.
>> -Hank Eskin
>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 4:38 PM, Hank <hes...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > This is a follow-up to my previous post.  I have been narrowing down
>> what
>> > is causing this bug.  It is a timing issue of a replication ignored
>> table
>> > with an auto-increment primary key values leaking over into a
>> non-ignored
>> > table with inserts immediately after the ignore table has had rows
>> inserted.
>> >
>> > Basically, data from the ignored table is corrupting a non-ignored table
>> on
>> > the slave upon immediate inserts.
>> >
>> > Here is how to repeat:
>> >
>> > On a master issue:
>> >
>> > use db;
>> > drop table test;
>> > CREATE TABLE test (id int NOT NULL,   cnt int unsigned  NOT NULL
>> > drop table log;
>> > CREATE TABLE log (id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, log
>> varchar(20),
>> >
>> > make sure those two tables are created on the slave through regular
>> > replication.
>> >
>> > on slave>
>> >
>> > desc test;
>> > desc log;
>> >
>> > Once replicated, on the master, add the following line to the [mysqld]
>> > section of my.cnf, and then restart mysql.
>> >
>> >          replicate-ignore-table=db.log
>> >
>> > The on the master, issue the following statements as a copy/paste of all
>> of
>> > them at once.
>> > It's critical that the statements are executed in immediate succession
>> (no
>> > delays)
>> >
>> > insert into log values (null,"info1");
>> > insert into log values (null,"info2");
>> > insert into log values (null,"info3");
>> > insert into log values (null,"info4");
>> > insert into test values (1,null);
>> > insert into log values (null,"info5");
>> > insert into test values (1,null);
>> > insert into log values (null,"info6");
>> > insert into test values (2,null);
>> > insert into log values (null,"info7");
>> > insert into test values (2,null);
>> > insert into log values (null,"info8");
>> >
>> > Here are the results from the master (all correct):
>> >
>> > master>select * from log;
>> > +-------+-------+
>> > | id    | log   |
>> > +-------+-------+
>> > | 44444 | info1 |
>> > | 44445 | info2 |
>> > | 44446 | info3 |
>> > | 44447 | info4 |
>> > | 44448 | info5 |
>> > | 44449 | info6 |
>> > | 44450 | info7 |
>> > | 44451 | info8 |
>> > +-------+-------+
>> > master>select * from test;
>> > +----+-----+
>> > | id | cnt |
>> > +----+-----+
>> > |  1 |   1 |
>> > |  1 |   2 |
>> > |  2 |   1 |
>> > |  2 |   2 |
>> > +----+-----+
>> > Here are the results from the slave:
>> >
>> > slave>select * from log;
>> >
>> > Empty set (0.00 sec)  <--- as expected, since it is ignored
>> >
>> > slave>select * from test;
>> > +----+-------+
>> > | id | cnt   |
>> > +----+-------+
>> > |  1 | 44447 |   <-- should be "1", but has values from "log" on the
>> master
>> > |  1 | 44448 |   <-- should be "2"
>> > |  2 | 44449 |   <-- should be "1"
>> > |  2 | 44450 |   <-- should be "2"
>> > +----+-------+
>> >
>> > If there is the slightest delay between the inserts into "log" and
>> "test",
>> > the replication happens correctly.
>> >
>> > Thoughts?
>> >
>> > -Hank Eskin
>> >
> --
> Claudio

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