Hello. I installed on my computer Red Hat Linux 7.0. After that I started configuring  
mysql. I upgraded  mysql, added all necessary packages and I wanted to run mysql 
Whenever I type mysql it gives me such an error message: "ERROR 2002: Can't connect to 
MYSQL server through socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock ". I found out from the internet 
that I needed to change permission for the mysql.socket by typing chmod 777 
mysql.socket. For the first time this file didn't even exist, then it was created when 
I typed mysql_install_db, but it is empty. Version of this mysql is: 3.23.22-beta.
  I am very sorry about that, but I really need to get mysql running from the Linux 
platform, in order to use it in my C/C++ programs. Please if anybody could help me I 
would appreciate that. I'll wait for the answer. Thank you.

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