i had some others that i browsed into phpmyadmin and they seemed to 
work, but others, like this one, showed a Query error -but that 
"method" of "imported population" was probably wrong anyway, i guess.

thanks here's the file:

# MySQL dump 6.8
# Host: localhost    Database: netsloth
# Server version        3.22.30

# Table structure for table 'authors'
CREATE TABLE authors (
   author_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
   author varchar(50),
   email varchar(255),
   bio text,
   PRIMARY KEY (author_id)

# Dumping data for table 'authors'

INSERT INTO authors VALUES (1,'Joe Blow','[EMAIL PROTECTED]','Joe Blow is 
a freelance author hiding out from Federal authorities.');
INSERT INTO authors VALUES (2,'Brad Bulger','[EMAIL PROTECTED]','Brad 
Bulger is not a goldfish.');
INSERT INTO authors VALUES (3,'Jay 
Greenspan','[EMAIL PROTECTED]','Jay Greenspan has too much to do and 
is willing to accept help.');
INSERT INTO authors VALUES (4,'Fred Flinstone','[EMAIL PROTECTED]','');

# Table structure for table 'content_admin'
CREATE TABLE content_admin (
   username varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
   password varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL

# Dumping data for table 'content_admin'

INSERT INTO content_admin VALUES ('jay','7b4e9c6e28843bff');
INSERT INTO content_admin VALUES ('reader',password('reader'));
# Table structure for table 'content_stages'
CREATE TABLE content_stages (
   stage_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
   stage varchar(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
   stage_dsc text,
   PRIMARY KEY (stage_id)

# Dumping data for table 'content_stages'

INSERT INTO content_stages VALUES (1,'Writing','The story is still 
being written.');
INSERT INTO content_stages VALUES (2,'Editing','The story is written 
and is ready for review.');
INSERT INTO content_stages VALUES (3,'Proofreading','The story has 
been reviewed and is ready for spellchecking, URL checking, etc.');
INSERT INTO content_stages VALUES (4,'Live','The story is available 
on the live site.');
INSERT INTO content_stages VALUES (5,'Killed','The story has been killed.');

# Table structure for table 'content_users'
CREATE TABLE content_users (
   user_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
   username varchar(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
   name varchar(50),
   email varchar(255),
   PRIMARY KEY (user_id)

# Dumping data for table 'content_users'

INSERT INTO content_users VALUES (1,'brad','Brad Bulger','[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
INSERT INTO content_users VALUES (2,'joe','Joe Blow','[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
INSERT INTO content_users VALUES (3,'fred','Fred 
Flintstone','[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
INSERT INTO content_users VALUES (4,'jay','Jay 
Greenspan','[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
INSERT INTO content_users VALUES (5,'eddie','Eddie 
Axelrod','[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
INSERT INTO content_users VALUES (8,'roxanne','Roxanne T. Beauregard','');

# Table structure for table 'editing_stories'
CREATE TABLE editing_stories (
   story_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   UNIQUE story_id (story_id)

# Dumping data for table 'editing_stories'

INSERT INTO editing_stories VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO editing_stories VALUES (5);

# Table structure for table 'killed_stories'
CREATE TABLE killed_stories (
   story_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   UNIQUE story_id (story_id)

# Dumping data for table 'killed_stories'

# Table structure for table 'live_stories'
CREATE TABLE live_stories (
   story_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   UNIQUE story_id (story_id)

# Dumping data for table 'live_stories'

INSERT INTO live_stories VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO live_stories VALUES (2);
INSERT INTO live_stories VALUES (3);
INSERT INTO live_stories VALUES (4);
INSERT INTO live_stories VALUES (7);

# Table structure for table 'proofreading_stories'
CREATE TABLE proofreading_stories (
   story_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   UNIQUE story_id (story_id)

# Dumping data for table 'proofreading_stories'

# Table structure for table 'stories'
CREATE TABLE stories (
   story_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
   stage_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   publish_dt date,
   headline varchar(255),
   subtitle varchar(255),
   byline_prefix varchar(20),
   summary text,
   body text,
   PRIMARY KEY (story_id),
   KEY story_stage_key (stage_id)

# Dumping data for table 'stories'

INSERT INTO stories VALUES (1,4,'2000-07-01','My Story','It\'s sad 
but true.','By','A true story about nothing.','<p>\r\nHere is my 
first paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere is my second 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my third 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my fourth 
INSERT INTO stories VALUES (2,4,'2000-06-24','A Big Test','This is 
the test you\'ve been waiting for.','By','Who knew? Testing is 
important.','<p>\r\nI think this is the first 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nWell, no, maybe this one 
is.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nNo, the other one. Definitely.\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO stories VALUES (3,4,'2000-06-25','Sky Blue, Scientists 
Say','A 10-year study has startling results.','By','In an article to 
be published this Monday in <i>Science</i>, the authors of a 10-year 
study at MIT have some surprising results.','<p>\r\nOh, who 
knows.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nWhat will they say?\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nIs it 
INSERT INTO stories VALUES (4,4,'2000-08-16','Jay Creates Story','He 
uses the app with ease','By','The content management applications 
rules.','<p>oooo\r\nThe content management applications rules.The 
content management applications rules.The content management 
applications rules.The content management applications rules.The 
content makkkkknagement applications rules.The content management 
applications rules.The content management applications rules.The 
content management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThe content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO stories VALUES (5,2,'2000-08-20','Jay Tests Again','He\'s 
at it again, folks','By','Watch him go','<p>\r\nStage is one, yes it 
is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes 
it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, 
yes it is.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nStage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, 
yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is 
one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO stories VALUES (6,1,'2001-01-01','Air Sighted In LA 
Basin','Millions Gawk Through Sunroofs','By','Was it just a new Nike 
ad? Or was that strange disturbance in the smog layer yesterday 
really what the ancients called \'the 
INSERT INTO stories VALUES (7,4,'2000-11-07','A New Story','Another 
new story.','By','It\'s not so much that we have something to say as 
that we need to say something.','<p>\r\nMamma 
mia!\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nWhat you think?\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n\r\n');

# Table structure for table 'story_author_map'
CREATE TABLE story_author_map (
   story_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   author_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (story_id),
   KEY author_story_map_key (author_id)

# Dumping data for table 'story_author_map'

INSERT INTO story_author_map VALUES (1,2);
INSERT INTO story_author_map VALUES (2,1);
INSERT INTO story_author_map VALUES (3,3);
INSERT INTO story_author_map VALUES (4,3);
INSERT INTO story_author_map VALUES (5,4);
INSERT INTO story_author_map VALUES (6,2);
INSERT INTO story_author_map VALUES (7,2);

# Table structure for table 'story_versions'
CREATE TABLE story_versions (
   story_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   modify_dt timestamp(14),
   modify_by varchar(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
   stage_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   publish_dt date,
   headline varchar(255),
   subtitle varchar(255),
   byline_prefix varchar(20),
   summary text,
   body text,
   KEY story_version_key (story_id,modify_dt)

# Dumping data for table 'story_versions'

INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(1,20000625183930,'brad',3,'2000-07-01','My Story','It\'s sad but 
true.','By','A true story about nothing.','<p>\r\nHere is my first 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere is my second 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my third 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my fourth 
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(1,20000625183947,'brad',3,'2000-07-01','My Story','It\'s sad but 
true.','By','A true story about nothing.','<p>\r\nHere is my first 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere is my second 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my third 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my fourth 
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(2,20000625183947,'brad',4,'2000-06-24','A Big Test','This is the 
test you\'ve been waiting for.','By','Who knew? Testing is 
important.','<p>\r\nI think this is the first 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nWell, no, maybe this one 
is.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nNo, the other one. Definitely.\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(3,20000625183947,'brad',4,'2000-06-25','Sky Blue, Scientists Say','A 
10-year study has startling results.','By','In an article to be 
published this Monday in <i>Science</i>, the authors of a 10-year 
study at MIT have some surprising results.','<p>\r\nOh, who 
knows.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nWhat will they say?\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nIs it 
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(1,20000625190103,'brad',4,'2000-07-01','My Story','It\'s sad but 
true.','By','A true story about nothing.','<p>\r\nHere is my first 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere is my second 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my third 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my fourth 
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(1,20000625190108,'brad',3,'2000-07-01','My Story','It\'s sad but 
true.','By','A true story about nothing.','<p>\r\nHere is my first 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere is my second 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my third 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my fourth 
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(1,20000625190131,'brad',4,'2000-07-01','My Story','It\'s sad but 
true.','By','A true story about nothing.','<p>\r\nHere is my first 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere is my second 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my third 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my fourth 
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(1,20000625190149,'brad',3,'2000-07-01','My Story','It\'s sad but 
true.','By','A true story about nothing.','<p>\r\nHere is my first 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere is my second 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my third 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my fourth 
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(1,20000625190720,'brad',4,'2000-07-01','My Story','It\'s sad but 
true.','By','A true story about nothing.','<p>\r\nHere is my first 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere is my second 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my third 
paragraph.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nHere\'s my fourth 
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(4,20000817193240,'jay',1,'2000-10-01','Jay Creates Story','He uses 
the app with ease','By','The content management applications 
rules.','The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.\r\n\r\nThe content management 
applications rules.The content management applications rules.The 
content management applications rules.The content management 
applications rules.The content management applications rules.The 
content management applications rules.The content management 
applications rules.');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(4,20000817193248,'jay',1,'2000-10-01','Jay Creates Story','He uses 
the app with ease','By','The content management applications 
rules.','<p>\r\nThe content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nThe content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(4,20000817193343,'jay',2,'2000-10-01','Jay Creates Story','He uses 
the app with ease','By','The content management applications 
rules.','<p>\r\nThe content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
makkkkknagement applications rules.The content management 
applications rules.The content management applications rules.The 
content management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThe content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(4,20000817193458,'jay',3,'2000-10-01','Jay Creates Story','He uses 
the app with ease','By','The content management applications 
rules.','<p>\r\nThe content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
makkkkknagement applications rules.The content management 
applications rules.The content management applications rules.The 
content management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThe content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(4,20000817193535,'jay',4,'2000-10-01','Jay Creates Story','He uses 
the app with ease','By','The content management applications 
rules.','<p>\r\nThe content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
makkkkknagement applications rules.The content management 
applications rules.The content management applications rules.The 
content management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThe content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(4,20000817193547,'jay',4,'2000-08-02','Jay Creates Story','He uses 
the app with ease','By','The content management applications 
rules.','<p>\r\nThe content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
makkkkknagement applications rules.The content management 
applications rules.The content management applications rules.The 
content management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThe content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(4,20000817193640,'jay',4,'2000-08-16','Jay Creates Story','He uses 
the app with ease','By','The content management applications 
rules.','<p>\r\nThe content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
makkkkknagement applications rules.The content management 
applications rules.The content management applications rules.The 
content management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThe content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(5,20000819160346,'jay',1,'2000-08-20','Jay Tests Again','He\'s at it 
again, folks','By','Watch him go','<p>\r\nStage is one, yes it 
is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes 
it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, 
yes it is.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nStage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, 
yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is 
one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(5,20000819162732,'jay',2,'2000-08-20','Jay Tests Again','He\'s at it 
again, folks','By','Watch him go','<p>\r\nStage is one, yes it 
is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes 
it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, 
yes it is.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nStage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, 
yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.Stage is 
one, yes it is.Stage is one, yes it is.\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(4,20000819171555,'jay',4,'2000-08-16','Jay Creates Story','He uses 
the app with ease','By','The content management applications 
rules.','<p>oooo\r\nThe content management applications rules.The 
content management applications rules.The content management 
applications rules.The content management applications rules.The 
content makkkkknagement applications rules.The content management 
applications rules.The content management applications rules.The 
content management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThe content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.The content management applications 
rules.The content management applications rules.The content 
management applications rules.\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(6,20000820164344,'jay',1,'2001-01-01','Air Sighted In LA 
Basin','Millions Gawk Through Sunroofs','By','Was it just a new Nike 
ad? Or was that strange disturbance in the smog layer yesterday 
really what the ancients called \'the sky\'?','');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(7,20001105153418,'jay',1,'2000-11-04','A New Story','Another new 
story.','By','It\'s not so much that we have something to say as that 
we need to say something.','Milk builds strong bodies 12 ways.');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(7,20001105153426,'jay',4,'2000-11-04','A New Story','Another new 
story.','By','It\'s not so much that we have something to say as that 
we need to say something.','<p>\r\nMilk builds strong bodies 12 
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(7,20001105153733,'brad',4,'2000-11-07','A New Story','Another new 
story.','By','It\'s not so much that we have something to say as that 
we need to say something.','<p>\r\nMilk builds strong bodies 12 
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(7,20001105193556,'brad',4,'2000-11-07','A New Story','Another new 
story.','By','It\'s not so much that we have something to say as that 
we need to say something.','Mamma mia!\r\n\r\nWhat you think?');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(7,20001105193655,'brad',4,'2000-11-07','A New Story','Another new 
story.','By','It\'s not so much that we have something to say as that 
we need to say something.','Mamma mia!\r\n\r\nWhat you think?');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(7,20001105193747,'brad',4,'2000-11-07','A New Story','Another new 
story.','By','It\'s not so much that we have something to say as that 
we need to say something.','Mamma mia!\r\n\r\nWhat you think?');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(7,20001105193947,'brad',4,'2000-11-07','A New Story','Another new 
story.','By','It\'s not so much that we have something to say as that 
we need to say something.','<p>\r\nMamma 
mia!\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nWhat you think?\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(7,20001105194935,'brad',4,'2000-11-07','A New Story','Another new 
story.','By','It\'s not so much that we have something to say as that 
we need to say something.','<p>\r\nMamma mia!\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nWhat 
you think?\r\n</p>\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(7,20001105194939,'brad',4,'2000-11-07','A New Story','Another new 
story.','By','It\'s not so much that we have something to say as that 
we need to say something.','<p>\r\nMamma 
mia!\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nWhat you think?\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(7,20001105194956,'brad',4,'2000-11-07','A New Story','Another new 
story.','By','It\'s not so much that we have something to say as that 
we need to say something.','<p>\r\nMamma mia!\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n<p>What 
you think?</p>\r\n\r\nI don\'t know!\r\n\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(7,20001105195014,'brad',4,'2000-11-07','A New Story','Another new 
story.','By','It\'s not so much that we have something to say as that 
we need to say something.','<p>\r\nMamma 
mia!\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\nWhat you think?\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n\r\n');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(6,20001107111415,'fred',1,'2001-01-01','Air Sighted In LA 
Basin','Millions Gawk Through Sunroofs','By','Was it just a new Nike 
ad? Or was that strange disturbance in the smog layer yesterday 
really what the ancients called \'the sky\'?','');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(6,20001107124227,'jay',1,'2001-01-01','Air Sighted In LA 
Basin','Millions Gawk Through Sunroofs','By','Was it just a new Nike 
ad? Or was that strange disturbance in the smog layer yesterday 
really what the ancients called \'the sky\'?','kkkkk');
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(6,20001107124421,'jay',1,'2001-01-01','Air Sighted In LA 
Basin','Millions Gawk Through Sunroofs','By','Was it just a new Nike 
ad? Or was that strange disturbance in the smog layer yesterday 
really what the ancients called \'the 
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(6,20001107124504,'jay',1,'2001-01-01','Air Sighted In LA 
Basin','Millions Gawk Through Sunroofs','By','Was it just a new Nike 
ad? Or was that strange disturbance in the smog layer yesterday 
really what the ancients called \'the 
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(6,20001107124515,'jay',1,'2001-01-01','Air Sighted In LA 
Basin','Millions Gawk Through Sunroofs','By','Was it just a new Nike 
ad? Or was that strange disturbance in the smog layer yesterday 
really what the ancients called \'the 
INSERT INTO story_versions VALUES 
(6,20001107124540,'jay',1,'2001-01-01','Air Sighted In LA 
Basin','Millions Gawk Through Sunroofs','By','Was it just a new Nike 
ad? Or was that strange disturbance in the smog layer yesterday 
really what the ancients called \'the 

# Table structure for table 'user_stage_map'
CREATE TABLE user_stage_map (
   user_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   stage_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (user_id,stage_id),
   KEY stage_user_map_key (stage_id)

# Dumping data for table 'user_stage_map'

INSERT INTO user_stage_map VALUES (1,1);
INSERT INTO user_stage_map VALUES (1,2);
INSERT INTO user_stage_map VALUES (1,4);
INSERT INTO user_stage_map VALUES (1,5);
INSERT INTO user_stage_map VALUES (2,1);
INSERT INTO user_stage_map VALUES (3,1);
INSERT INTO user_stage_map VALUES (3,2);
INSERT INTO user_stage_map VALUES (3,4);
INSERT INTO user_stage_map VALUES (3,5);
INSERT INTO user_stage_map VALUES (4,1);
INSERT INTO user_stage_map VALUES (4,2);
INSERT INTO user_stage_map VALUES (4,4);
INSERT INTO user_stage_map VALUES (4,5);
INSERT INTO user_stage_map VALUES (5,3);

# Table structure for table 'writing_stories'
CREATE TABLE writing_stories (
   story_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   UNIQUE story_id (story_id)

# Dumping data for table 'writing_stories'

INSERT INTO writing_stories VALUES (6);


At 11:31 PM -0600 6/16/01, Chris Bolt wrote:
>What format are they in? Please paste a few sample lines.
>>  hello,
>>  i have some files from a Cd that are .dump files, how do i get these
>>  db into mysql? (is it possible using phpMyAdmin).
>>  again, these are ".dump" files, not ".sql" files.
>Before posting, please check:
>    http://www.mysql.com/manual.php   (the manual)
>    http://lists.mysql.com/           (the list archive)
>To request this thread, e-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To unsubscribe, e-mail 
>Trouble unsubscribing? Try: http://lists.mysql.com/php/unsubscribe.php

Before posting, please check:
   http://www.mysql.com/manual.php   (the manual)
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