At 01:58 PM 10/7/2011, you wrote:
Do you have any good documentation with regards creating indexes. Also information for explain statement and what would be the desired result of the explain statement?

This might help:

There is one more advantage about compound indexes like "index on (field_a, field_b)". If you are retrieving just field_a and field_b, in a select statement :

select field_a, field_b from table1 where field_a="abc"

even though you only references field_a in the Where clause, it of course uses that index to find rows with field_a="abc", but it also retrieves field_b from the SAME index so MySQL doesn't have to go to the data file to get field_b. This can dramatically reduce disk I/O in heavily used queries and occasionally you may want to create a compound index even though the second field won't be used in a Where clause.

There is a "yin and yang" approach to creating indexes. Newbies will try and index all possible columns that are used in a Where clause which results in a huge index file and very slow table updates. The more indexes you have on a table, the slower it takes to add or update a row. You really only want to index the columns of the most frequent queries.

As to which fields to index, on a test database I would remove all indexes from the table except for the primary keys and have the slow query log turned on. Run your queries for an hour and examine the slow query log to see which queries are slow. Copy and paste the slow Select query to a MySQL administrator like SqlYog Community Edition v9.2 ( and do an explain on the query to see what indexes it is (not) using. Then alter the table and add an index to try and speed up the query. You may have to repeat this several times to finally get the proper index defined. Remember to "Reset Query Cache" between tests. Only by judiciously adding indexes one by one and testing the performance, will you have the proper "yin and yang" so your tables are in harmony.

(If you can't achieve harmony, then buy more hardware.)

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