>>> ...as Brandon said..  from terminal you have to type something to get into 
>>> mysql, and if you are like me, then that is:
>>> /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql
>> Oh, I forgot to add - but you might need to be super user first.
>> su
>> (input pass..)
> why in the world should someone call the mysql-cli as root?

answer: just because he (I) was developing locally (and so was not worried 
about it), is newbie, and because it worked - so he did not pursue learning 
further how to get into mysql without being su.

> NEVER call anything as root if not really needed, NEVER

> [harry@srv-rhsoft:~]$ mysql -u root -p
> Enter password:
> Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
> Your MySQL connection id is 715
> Server version: 5.5.17-log thelounge.net build

anyway, now I discovered this works (when there is no pass set up yet, 
apparently) -

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root

(my mentioning this ^^^  is not for the benefit of my saying something smarter 
(is it?), nor for you guys who know what you are doing (obviously).. but just 
for you Roger, in case it helps you (who seem to be even more newbie than me).  
  ....and also in case Reindl wants to teach us/comment some more (please do!)  
(coming from a developer who only learns the minimum (server admin skills) that 
he has to;  I like to focus on *development*.  I mean I would like to be expert 
in everything.. only minus extra reading ;-)


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