Those are your binary logs.  They store the data stream to be consumed
by your slaves.

Are you using replication?  If so, you need to go to each of your
slaves and run the command 'SHOW MASTER STATUS;'. That will tell you
which files are currently being consumed by your slaves. Anything
older than the oldest one can be safely deleted.  (the older ones are
those with the lowest numbers embedded in the filename.

If you are not using replication,  erase them all.  You might also
want to turn of 'log-bin' in your configs.

 - michael dykman

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Rob Tanner <> wrote:
> Hi,
> In my MySQL directory, I have more than a few gig and a half sized files, 
> mysql-bin.000001, mysql-bin.000001 and et cetera.  They date from today all 
> the way back to early 2010.  I don't know exactly what those files are but I 
> would like to delete as many as are no longer is use since I had a 40GB 
> partition fill up over the weekend which resulted in bringing down our web 
> server.  So what are those files and can I delete all but the most recent?
> Thanks.
> Rob Tanner
> UNIX Services Manager
> Linfield College, McMinnville Oregon

 - michael dykman

 May the Source be with you.

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