We are running MySQL 5.0.77, and implemented our first production InnoDB 
database a few months ago.  The database is on a dedicated server and is 
composed of 14 tables.  No tables have been added or dropped since creation.

The "ibdata1" file is growing much faster than the database itself.  The 
ibdata1 file is currently 3.8G.  The database takes up 533M.  3.2G of the file 
is composed of free extents.  This matches the "InnoDB free" value.

Here is my understanding of what is stored in the ibdata1 file:
1)      User data
2)      Tablespace header
3)      Data dictionary
4)      Double-write buffer
5)      Insert buffer
6)      Rollback segment, AKA undo log.

I believe that the double-write buffer is always 2M.  The insert buffer has 
been up 6.1M.

By a process of elimination, I think that the undo log (which can expand and 
contract) must account for the additional space, most of which is currently not 
in use.

One other mysterious clue:  The InnoBD tablespace monitor shows 145 segments of 
1 page each.  I believe that a handful of these are used for "system" stuff 
like the data dictionary because I see them in every ibdata1 file.  But I do 
not normally see so many.

Two questions:
1)      Can anyone verify that the additional (presently unused) space was 
allocated for the undo log?
2)      Are the many 1-page segments a leftover from a large undo log?

Please note that I am NOT asking how to reclaim the space, which has already 
been discussed many times.  I don't think there is any point in doing that 
until I understand what is happening here.

Kay Rozeboom
Information Technology Enterprise
Iowa Department of Administrative Services
Telephone: 515.281.6139   Fax: 515.281.6137
Email:  kay.rozeb...@iowa.gov

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