
On 11/18/11, Karen Langford <> wrote:
> Dear MySQL users,
> MySQL Server 5.1.60, a new version of the popular Open Source
> Database Management System, has been released. MySQL 5.1.60 is
> recommended for use on production systems.
> For an overview of what's new in MySQL 5.1, please see
> For information on installing MySQL 5.1.60 on new servers or upgrading
> to MySQL 5.1.60 from previous MySQL releases, please see
> MySQL Server is available in source and binary form for a number of
> platforms from our download pages at
> Not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point in time, so if you
> can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose
> another download site.
> We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
> patches, etc:
> For information on open issues in MySQL 5.1, please see the errata
> list at
> The following section lists the changes in the MySQL source code since
> the previous released version of MySQL 5.1. It may also be viewed
> online at
> Enjoy!
> =======================================================================
> D.1.1. Changes in MySQL 5.1.60 (16 November, 2011)
>     Functionality Added or Changed
>       * Upgrading from an Advanced GPL RPM package to an Advanced RPM
>         package did not work. Now on Linux it is possible to use rpm
>         -U to replace any installed MySQL product by any other of the
>         same release family. It is not necessary to remove the old
>         produce with rpm -e first. (Bug #11886309)
>       * MEMORY table creation time is now available in the CREATE_TIME
>         column of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES table and the
>         Create_time column of SHOW TABLE STATUS output. (Bug #51655,
>         Bug #11759349)
>     Bugs Fixed
>       * InnoDB Storage Engine: This fix improves the performance of
>         instrumentation code for InnoDB buffer pool operations. (Bug
>         #12950803, Bug #62294)
>       * InnoDB Storage Engine: Data from BLOB columns could be lost if
>         the server crashed at a precise moment when other columns were
>         being updated in an InnoDB table. (Bug #12704861)
>       * InnoDB Storage Engine: Lookups using secondary indexes could
>         give incorrect matches under a specific set of conditions. The
>         conditions involve an index defined on a column prefix, for a
>         BLOB or other long column stored outside the index page, with
>         a table using the Barracuda file format. (Bug #12601439)
>       * InnoDB Storage Engine: This fix corrects cases where the MySQL
>         server could hang or abort with a long semaphore wait message.
>         (This is a different issue than when these symptoms occurred
>         during a CHECK TABLE statement.) (Bug #11766591, Bug #59733)
>       * Replication: Issuing the following statements, in the order
>         shown, could cause a deadlock between the user thread and I/O
>         thread:
>         (Bug #11878104)
>         See also Bug #44312, Bug #11752963, Bug #38715, Bug #38716.
>       * Internal conversion of zero to binary and back could yield a
>         result with incorrect precision. (Bug #12911710)
>       * Valgrind warnings generated by filesort operations were fixed.
>         (Bug #12856915)
>       * Several improvements were made to the libedit library bundled
>         with MySQL distributions, and that is available for all
>         platforms that MySQL supports except Windows.
>            + Navigation keys did not work for UTF-8 input.
>            + Word navigation and delete operations did not work for
>              UTF-8 input with Cyrillic characters.
>            + Nonlatin characters were corrupted in overwrite mode for
>              UTF-8 input.
>            + Long queries caused the statement history file to become
>              corrupted.
>            + The Alt key caused history operations to fail.
>         (Bug #12605400, Bug #12613725, Bug #12618092, Bug #12624155,
>         Bug #12617651, Bug #12605388)
>       * The help message for mysql_install_db did not indicate that it
>         supports the --defaults-file, --defaults-extra-file and
>         --no-defaults options. (Bug #58898, Bug #11765888)
>       * An assertion designed to detect zero-length sort keys also was
>         raised when the entire key set fit in memory. (Bug #58200, Bug
>         #11765254)
>       * myisampack could create corrupt FULLTEXT indexes when
>         compressing tables. (Bug #53646, Bug #11761180)
>       * OPTIMIZE TABLE could corrupt MyISAM tables if myisam_use_mmap
>         was enabled. (Bug #49030, Bug #11757032)
>       * If MySQL was configured with --without-plugin-innobase and
>         --with-plugin-innodb_plugin, to suppress building the built-in
>         InnoDB storage engine and build the InnoDB Plugin instead, the
>         innochecksum utility was not built. (Bug #47337, Bug
>         #11755544)
>       * A linking problem prevented the FEDERATED storage engine
>         plugin from loading. (Bug #40942, Bug #11750417)
>       * On Fedora, certain accesses to /var/lib/mysql/HOSTNAME.err
>         were blocked by SELinux policy, which made the server fail at
>         startup with the message: Manager of pid-file quit without
>         updating file (Bug #37165, Bug #12927740)
>       * For FEDERATED tables, loss of connection to the remote table
>         during some insert operations could cause a server crash. (Bug
>         #34660, Bug #11747970)
> Thanks,
> MySQL RE Team
> Database Group, Oracle.
> --
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Thanks and Best Regards!

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