----- Original Message -----

> From: "Adarsh Sharma" <adarsh.sha...@orkash.com>

> 1. I am planning to to fix one partition /hdd2-1 for my binary logs
> for HA, rotate them monthly to extra backups.

Keeping binary and other logs on separate disks from your datafiles is a very 
good plan. For backup purposes, make sure you have copies of your logs (and of 
course appropriate full dumps) off the system, too. 

> 2. Remaining 3 system partitions ( /hdd3-1,/hdd4-1,/hdd5-1) contains
> ibdata1:250GB,ibdata2:250GB, ibdata3:200Gb :Autoextend. Store each
> innodb table data partitioning by date ( 6 months ) as my myisam
> tables remains in /var/lib/mysql/directory because their size
> increases in MBs.

You are aware that this will require a full dump and restore, I trust? 

> 3. What to do when my final partition /hdd5-1 is having no space (
> less than 1 Gb ), do i need to configure RAID 10 for that.

You'll need more disks, of course. Wether you put them in raid or not does not 
change that fact. 

Using a RAID config would definitely be a good idea, though; since a single 
missing datafile will prevent innodb from starting up at all. 

> 4. I need 3 months past data at any given point of time , so I can
> manually alter ( delete ) my partitions for that.


> 5. How can I increase my select query performance on a 200Gb innodb
> table.

Make sure your query uses indices - the more selective the better. Make sure 
those indexes are fully in memory - tune the innodb pool size and the like; and 
make sure there's plenty of memory available. For Innodb, the primary index is 
faster than any secondary one. 

Bier met grenadyn 
Is als mosterd by den wyn 
Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel 
Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel 

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